After delivery | About risks and side effects

Aside aesthetical problems, what could separated abdominal muscles cause? Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Weeks after delivery many noticed, that their abdominal wall did not recede, or weight loss has started, but the image they see in the mirror is not what it was before. Despite, that someone was never a “heavy” type,…

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“How long after delivery is it worth starting the exercises?”

“Will it not be a problem, if I start it later, when I have more time for it?” These are the questions in new moms mind, when they are faced with Diastasis Recti. Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Let’s think together: After delivery, abdominal and trunk muscles are weak. The stretching impact that…

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My abdominal muscle opened! Surgery or exercise?

This is the question many new mothers reach out to me with, after the first shock, when they realize the problem.     Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Specialist-since they met this problem before- have answer to this question. But those who are in the first panic are afraid and uncertain, because they…

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Diastasis Recti (Open abdominal muscle) and eating

“If I only eat two bites, I look pregnant again!”     Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation “Can I eat anything with Diastasis Recti?” “What do I have to pay attention to in case of Diastasis Recti regarding eating?” These are all questions and comments, that mothers, suffering from open abdominal muscle send…

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How could we get back to our prenatal shape? Is it even possible?

Genetics plays a key role!   Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Genetics plays a key role! It is worth taking a look at both paternal and maternal parents to see how the mothers’ shape changed after giving birth, considering the invested exercise and other factors like diet, lifestyle, etc. We all know women,…

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How to carry a baby seat?

The baby seat is a great tool: the baby can sit comfortably, can see everything, and can be rocked easily. That’s fine but it weighs 5 kg at least without a baby. With a child, it can weigh even 13-15 kilos. Carrying the seat has also its technique. Try to carry such weight in front…

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Did you know that eating affects Diastasis Recti?

When having Diastasis recti, it is recommended to pay attention to eating. Is something increases pressure in the belly, the entrails start to push out the abdominals, elongating further the sinewy plate between them. It is recommended to observe what causes our belly to bloat. The increased gas production does not only makes us uncomfortable…

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Why to pay attention to your belly already when you wake up?

In the case of Diastasis Recti, the straight abdominals (the two columns) move away from each other. They are bound together by a sinewy plate that elongates in such case. If you learn to stretch your belly (the first exercises of Bellyy help you in this), then the two muscle columns will stand close to…

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What should you be careful with during shopping?

Normally, on an average day, or at a big family dinner at the weekend, when we go shopping we have to carry quite heavy weights. We normally carry what we buy in bags. This also means that as we walk we have to keep the bags away from our legs so that the bags won’t…

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What can cause the pain in your waist?

With the weakening of the abdominal wall, another sensitive area is weakened in our body: the waist. Since the weakened abdominal wall no longer supports the lumbar spine from the front, we might face waist pain more often. 85-90% of waist pain is caused by weak abdominal wall (that can be a relative weakness, when…

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How to spare your waist?

You already begun strenghten your abdominals but your waist still hurts? Here are few tips how to spare it: When washing dishes or cooking, keep a cricket or a bucket turned upside down to put one of your legs on to it. That way, one side of your spine can rest. If your other side…

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When and what sport activities can you start with Diastasis Recti?

It is very important to learn the basic exercises of handling Diastasis Recti as soon as possible and only then should we start any other kind of training program. Through these basic exercises, we learn step by step what should we consider when doing other types of activities. Otherwise, we risk that our activity will…

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What you should watch out for when checking Diastasis Recti?

If we measure the gap between abdominals it is recommended that we do it in horizontal position, with our head raised. More accurate result can be achieved if we retract our belly as much as we can. Initially, if one cannot retract their belly at all, the result will be a wider gap, then later…

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