“If I only eat two bites, I look pregnant again!”
“Can I eat anything with Diastasis Recti?”
“What do I have to pay attention to in case of Diastasis Recti regarding eating?”
These are all questions and comments, that mothers, suffering from open abdominal muscle send us frequently. Unfortunately, the round, protruding, the so called “pregnant belly” is one of the most regular and most unpleasant symptoms of the open abdominal muscle (Diastasis Recti). Eating only a small portion of food can cause a very visible change, and in parallel with it, self-confidence of the affected reclines, they feel uncomfortable and are in distress. Immediate cure does not exist for Diastasis Recti, but in the long run, with the rehabilitation of the abdominal wall, result can show after 6-12 weeks.

What are the facts?
In case of open abdominal muscle in the middle of the abdominal wall – varies in each person– there are no muscles, only the stretched out tendinous plate, which function is to hold the layers of the abdominal muscles. Since the tendon is not firm enough, it is not able to keep the regular pressure in the abdominal cavity. This section here protrudes when the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases. The pressure in the abdominal cavity can be increased by a big portion, or not proper quality of food.
The condition of the abdominal muscles is also particular: if it is unable to tighten, not only the middle part of the abdomen will bulge as the abdominal pressure increases, but even the whole.
Why is it a problem, if someone overeats, or eats inadequate food with open abdominal muscle (Diastasis Recti)?
Increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity can influence the severity of the opening.

What is worth paying attention to with open abdominal muscle (Diastasis Recti) while eating?
– Eat small portions at once: smaller food portion intake comes with reduced pressure increase.
– We should eat more times a day: small portions are accompanied by more meals.
– Pay attention to fluid intake: We should not drink too much at once, since this too can increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity.
– We should avoid food, that causes flatulence: Flatulence can increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity. We may eat a small portion of food, but if it causes flatulence, it is as we ate a huge portion of food in aspect of open abdominal muscle.
– Is it worth doing Bellyy exercises before eating?: trained, tightened abdominal muscles could resist more to increasing pressure in abdominal cavity.