Bellyy-Distasis recti- affected age groups
The Diastasis Recti (open abdominal muscle), which affects a lot of people worldwide, practically means, that the rectus abdominus muscles do not close up, a gap remains in between them, and a condition develops that can lead to serious health problems. This condition appears mostly at a younger age, most often in mothers (after giving birth), but men and elderly people also – regardless of gender – nearly 70% of them, sooner or later experience open abdominal muscle problems.

In the case of vertical separation of the fiber of rectus abdominus muscle, the “membrane” (Linea Alba) in between the two muscle tissues expands, that is why it does not hold together the two diverged parts. Approximately 75% of new moms after pregnancy are affected by open abdominal muscle problems, while in men and older age group Diastasis Recti is caused by weight change and obesity.

It is important to know, that neglecting the Diastasis Recti, in addition to aesthetical problems, may come with further complications and subsequent health problems – hernia-spine problems – during lifting, carrying weight and in daily movements as well. With the continuous practice of the Bellyy exercise program, developed by  Eva Bajzik M.D., the muscles and the abdominal wall’s condition can be massively corrected.
Bellyy | Diastasis Recti exercise program |open abdominal muscle

What do we need the abdominal wall for?

Nowadays we make the condition of our abdominal wall an aesthetic question, but basically, it has a medical function.

A strong and well-functioning abdominal wall (which does not necessarily mean a six-pack) is needed for the normal operation of the lumbar spine, to support it from the front. Therefore: if someone suffers from lower back pain regularly, first they should see if the abdominal wall works – and works well – for the strengthening of abdominal wall muscles mostly terminates the lower back problems. Besides this, the healthy abdominal wall plays a role in the sustenance of digestion, the regulation of blood pressure and lymphatic circulation, and the optimal maintenance of lower limbs’ venous circulation (in the prevention of haemorrhoids and varicose veins development), but its sluggishness affects the pelvic floor muscles as well.

Condition assessment of Diastasis Recti

You can determine if the Diastasis Recti affects you! Register, click for the video and answer the questions after self-examination!

What is open abdominal muscle (Diastasis Recti)?

We have 3 layers of abdominal muscles altogether – these make up the abdominal wall. The placement of abdominal muscles is based on a midline symmetry, which means that similar muscles can be found on the left and right sides as well, and in normal cases, it’s like we place a mirror in the middle. But instead of a mirror, in the middle, we find the tendons of the abdominal muscle.

Sudden weight change and growth of abdominal circumference (meaning the period of pregnancy too) will cause the relaxation not only of the muscles, but tendinous parts as well, and the tendon tissue given its nature will not shrink back completely after it is stretched, just a bit, thus the abdominal muscles will move apart (a real opening is not formed), this we call open abdominal muscle.

Depending on the measure of gapping, there are milder and more severe openings. If the gapping is larger than 2-2.5 fingers, that is considered pathological opening and it is a must to treat, because it can cause numerous medical lesions.

What is the connection between natural way of giving birth and incontinence?

A natural way of giving birth itself is an indicator, since it weakens the muscles of the pelvic floor and sphincters too, not to mention the damage to pelvic organs, which also adds to the urinary retention problems. The interesting part in the latter is, that in some cases it occurs immediately, but in other examples, it causes bigger medical problems afterwards, many years later. But these can be prevented with an accurate exercise program, like the Bellyy.

Symptoms of Diastasis Recti:

A typically round stomach (Why do I look like someone, who is pregnant?) is mentionable as an aesthetical symptom. This is what everyone detects in themselves sooner or later, especially if they tighten or relax the abdominal muscles.

Although, further symptoms might be as well:

  •     lower back pain
  •     bad body posture
  •     constipation and other digestive issues
  •     bloating
  •     inactive perineal muscle (for example incontinence problems, vaginal inertia)
  •     hernia

The abdominal wall returns to its prenatal state after 6-8 weeks of giving birth, which is a natural process, but on a long run we can keep our belly intact with help of proper exercises.

When do the symptoms become visible?

The first surprises could catch us during our everyday life:

  •     while lifting a heavier weight
  •     during bending down
  •     while lifting an infant
  •     while doing house chores
  •     but lifting a heavier shopping bag may be enough to recognise the first symptoms.

In the above-mentioned cases, simply by just standing still, we use our abdominal muscles. Although the difference is, that in our examples the abdominal wall gets burdened unexpectedly. This was habitual for the abdominal wall before giving birth or sudden weight change, but after it got stretched out, the abdominal wall lost its flexibility and is unable to react accordingly.  It opens.

Diastasis Recti exercise program |   When do the symptoms become visible?

What does Bellyy program offers solution for?

With the regular use of the Bellyy exercise series, the abdominal wall will be able to get back those functions, that are needed for our bodily system (see: “what do we need the abdominal wall for?”).

  •     With regular exercise, the abdominal circumference will reduce.
  •     With the strengthening of abdominal muscles, the whole body will be stronger, thus holding a position and every other kind of movement, from standing to running to the most strenuous type of exercise will be easier to execute.
  •     Back-and lower back pains will reduce.
  •     Pelvic floor muscles get stronger.

In conclusion; The Bellyy targeted exercise program affects more areas of the body since the abdominal cavity is encircled by muscles and fascias. The operation of those, affects the functioning of the chest, the ribs (thereby the breathing), the spine and also the pelvic floor.

If someone would like to change the state of their open abdominal muscle, they have to work for it. The abdominal wall needs to be re-thought, that the normal functioning of the muscles, the support and the tightness of them, is needed for a well functioning body.
When can I start exercising?

One of the most important feedbacks is the suggestion of the obstetrician and the treating doctor.  Those moms, who gave birth via Caesarean section are recommended to spend a little bit more time with recovery, but in case of an uncomplicated birthing, the Bellyy exercises might be used even on the next day of delivery.
In any case, consult your doctor before any higher-intensity program.

How can you conclude, that your abdominal wall is indeed opened up?

The determination of Diastasis Recti does not take more, than 5 minutes!

With the following exercise, we can ascertain our current state:

  •     Lay down on the floor, with your feet flat.
  •     With your finger, palpate your abdominal muscle on both sides, above and also below your navel.
  •     Lift your head while you tighten your abdominal muscle.
  •     Repeat the steps in paragraph 2.
  •     Then check, how many finger lengths the gap is below and above your navel.

At first sight, the self-examination might seem difficult, hence we shot a video. With the help of this video, you can immediately determine, whether the open abdominal muscle problem affects you.

After a rapid registration, the video is accessible on the ‘Condition assessment’ page.

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In general, we can state, that after giving birth, in case of weight change, or older age (most often when the lifestyle is sedentary), the abdominal muscle loses its optimal flexibility and supporting ability. The condition of open abdominal muscle can occur in anyone’s life. No need to fret, since after a 5-minute condition assessment, we can know for sure what we are facing, and with regular and targeted training, the abdominal wall can be regenerated.

Do you have further questions? Get in touch with us via message or on Facebook. But it is worth taking a look at our frequently asked questions too, where the answers of  Eva Bajzik M.D. help you to get more information about open abdominal muscles.