There are different factors responsible for the size of the belly. This is why we speak of different belly types.
At, you’ll find plenty of information about the importance of abdominal wall health, how much everything affects the condition of your abdominal muscles, and we’re also trying to make you aware that it’s not just an aesthetic issue. On the other hand, when it comes to appearances, we cannot go over such an important topic as what is actually the visible, tangible difference between an overweight belly, a beerbelly, and the open abdomen after pregnancy. How amazing (sometimes a little scary) is it, what a huge change it is capable of, and how our bellyy develops with us throughout our lives.

Overweight belly
For example, if the adipose tissue gets expanded under the belly skin, then in this case the belly will be soft, both in standing and horizontal position. Here the expanded layer can be grabbed and lifted from the abdominal wall. This is called overweight belly.
What can be done in such cases?
Intense exercise and reduced calorie intake can go a long way in reducing adipose tissue.

The beerbelly is another story. Here the adipose tissue does not expand, most of the time. The belly is hard both in standing and vertical position. In this case the adipose tissue between the internal organs expands, and so the muscles of the abdominal wall get stretched.
The training of the abdominal wall needs greater care, and since the adipose tissue between the organs in the belly can limit the movement of the diaphragm, so the intensity of the training can only be increased slowly.

Belly loosened after pregnancy
When the belly gets bigger after pregnancy or in older age, the belly is relatively hard in standing position but soft in horizontal position. In this case mostly you cannot grab any expanded tissue and also you cannot feel the stretched abdominal wall. This symptoms describe the loosened abdominal wall.
What to do in such a case?
The first thing is to strengthen the abdominal wall and increase its innervation. Any, more intense training can only come after this.