After delivery | About risks and side effects

Aside aesthetical problems, what could separated abdominal muscles cause? Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Weeks after delivery many noticed, that their abdominal wall did not recede, or weight loss has started, but the image they see in the mirror is not what it was before. Despite, that someone was never a “heavy” type,…


My abdominal muscle opened! Surgery or exercise?

This is the question many new mothers reach out to me with, after the first shock, when they realize the problem.     Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation Specialist-since they met this problem before- have answer to this question. But those who are in the first panic are afraid and uncertain, because they…


Diastasis Recti (Open abdominal muscle) and eating

“If I only eat two bites, I look pregnant again!”     Eva Bajzik M.D. Physician, doctor of rehabilitation “Can I eat anything with Diastasis Recti?” “What do I have to pay attention to in case of Diastasis Recti regarding eating?” These are all questions and comments, that mothers, suffering from open abdominal muscle send…


How to carry a baby seat?

The baby seat is a great tool: the baby can sit comfortably, can see everything, and can be rocked easily. That’s fine but it weighs 5 kg at least without a baby. With a child, it can weigh even 13-15 kilos. Carrying the seat has also its technique. Try to carry such weight in front…
