We are going to examine this fact closer.

How do we know if our abdominal wall is stable?
When our abdominal wall is stable, we are able to use it.
- We can suck our belly in and are able to tighten it in any position.
- We can ascend easily without grabbing onto something or having to use a bigger impulse from a laying down position.
- We can lift up a heavier or larger object (yes, for this also, we need our abdominal muscle)
- We are able to stand or sit with a straight waist.

How does the abdominal wall support the vertebras?
Our abdominal wall -that is formed of our abdominal muscles-, is what supports the lumbar spine from the front. If the abdominal wall doesn’t function properly, or is too loose, then the spine section that requires support will not be stable. Let’s imagine a building, that is composed of bricks put on top of each other, which is not exactly vertical either (this is our lumbar spine, that consists 5 vertebras), if nothing supports it, it will collapse. The main function of our abdominal wall is the support of this section.
What could open abdominal muscle cause?
Just like loose abdominal wall causes instability, open abdominal muscles can greatly reduce the support of the spine: in this case also, there will be an area, where the support is not satisfactory.

Reflecting on the above, it is now understandable, why those, whose abdominal wall is not stable enough, have waist pain. The good news is, if we do something for the health of our abdominal wall, we are just a stone throw away from solving the problem. 95% of waist pains go away, when the abdominal wall is strengthened. But for this a couple of sit ups are not enough, a regular and aimed exercise program is needed, just like Bellyy exercise program.