Aside aesthetical problems, what could separated abdominal muscles cause?
Weeks after delivery many noticed, that their abdominal wall did not recede, or weight loss has started, but the image they see in the mirror is not what it was before. Despite, that someone was never a “heavy” type, the protruding stomach, the belly, can linger on for a longer period. Many gets to the first question (“Why does it happen?”), but there is a more important question: “What does it come with?”

The sagging of the abdominal wall, and the sluggishness of abdominal muscles mean medical risks as well as aesthetical problems. Due to the loosened muscles and tendons, the essentially constant and voluntarily controllable pressure ratio required for the functioning of the organs in the abdominal cavity will not be maintained.
The abdominal muscles have/should have a constant tone, that amongst many functions, supports the lumbar spine from the front, in order for it to be able to work optimally. If bigger pressure is required for the support of the spine or internal organs, then with the flexing of the abdominal muscles and proper breathing we are able to do it-this is what we do when, for example, lifting a heavier weight. What kind of weight do we want to lift? Our child, for example. This stable and adjustable abdominal cavity pressure provides an optimal circumstance for our blood-and lymphatic circulation as well. During pregnancy the pressure constantly grows-from inside. Our body adjust to this: the muscles will stretch first as much as they can, and it is followed by the tendons. This inside pressure will cease from one moment to the other after delivery, but we cannot do the same from the outside with our stretched muscles.

We can face such a side effect after pregnancy, but we can act against it! If someone starts the proper rehabilitating program 2-3 weeks after delivery, this state could be terminated in a significant proportion of people in 1.5-2 months, without having to spend hours in a fitness class, or without the help of a personal trainer.
It is very important, that we do our exercises according to our condition and in the proper order, because if after seeing the state of our abdomen we start with the usual sit ups and leg lifts, we can do more harm, than good.
We created Bellyy for those, whose open abdominal muscles causes problems and would like to do something for it. Now they have a tool in their hands, that is effective. We cannot carry out the training program in the stead of mothers, but with the exact description of the exercises, visual support and answers from specialists if needed, we can provide the necessary circumstances for the fastest recovery for the open abdominal muscle.