Heal abdominal separation & associated symptoms

Exercises from a medical professional for rehabilitation of Diastasis Recti, the “mummy tummy”.

Two-thirds of those who choose the Bellyy exercise method have their abdominal muscles closed, the others experience a reduction in the abdominal volume of 4.5 cm-14 cm.
The Bellyy method and exercise program was developed with the help of more than a decade of experience by Eva Bajzik, a doctor of rehabilitation. Medically proven that Bellyy is highly recommended for mothers and everyone affected by Diastasis Recti (DRAM).

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90 days

Money-Back Guarantee

Yes! In the rare case, if you see almost no improvements after 90 days of exercising with the Bellyy program, after a quick chat to ensure you have actively participated in the program, we will refund your money. 


Eva Bajzik, M.D., physician, doctor of rehabilitation

The development of the Bellyy movement therapy and exercise method was based on a detailed examination of the patients, taking anamnesis and was part of the postpartum rehabilitation plan. During the 3-year comprehensive examination, 52 mothers agreed to participate in the program and rehabilitate their separated abdominal muscles using the Bellyy method. /At the individual therapies, we also took into account the weakened condition of the patients after childbirth, the lack of time, little sleep, and breastfeeding./
As a result of the Bellyy method:

of the patient's opened abdominal muscles were closed entirely.
achieved a reduction in the abdominal volume of a minimum of 4.5 cm and a maximum of 14 cm.

Digesting problems

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Back pain

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``Mummy tummy``

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The health of the abdominal wall is not only an aesthetical question.

Regardless of gender, nearly 70% of the population sooner or later will experience the open abdominal muscle problem and some of the symptoms that comes with it.
The neglect of Diastasis Recti can even lead to further complications and subsequent health problems- hernia-, and spine problems. Abdominal muscles have an important role in the optimal sustenance of digestion, maintenance of lower limbs’ venous circulation, and the regulation of blood pressure and lymphatic circulation, its sluggishness affects pelvic floor muscles as well.


Real results in

Would you like to know, if the Bellyy could offer a solution for you?

Back pain
Do you have regular back-and lower back pain?
Low self-confidence
Your self-confidence is low because of the changes in your body?
``Mummy tummy``
After delivering your baby, the previous state of your abdominal wall did not return yet?
Do you want to lose weight, but cannot?
Do you have incontinence issues?
Bloating and digestive problems occur?
Diastasis Recti
Do you have open abdominal muscle (Diastasis Recti)?

Did you answer ‘yes’ to one or more questions?

You are in the correct place! You can find out in about 5 minutes if your abdominal muscle is open!
Exact description
Visual support
Answers from speacialists
We cannot carry out the workout program in the stead of the affected, but with the exact description of the exercises, visual support and answers from specialists (if needed), we can provide the necessary circumstances for the fastest recovery for Diastasis Recti.